Wednesday, February 27, 2013

SGE#5 : Bucket List

There are many types of bucket lists, simple ones (for the easily amused), or life long dreams to be fulfilled. I have both types one with small activities that can be done at any time, but I am to lazy to do and one that contains activities all over the world. The more interesting list contains adventures ,such as, The Festval of colors,  jason deCaires' underwater sculptures, and floating in the dead sea. Did you know that the dead sea contains so much sodium that no animals can inhabit it.
I have high hopes of completing these tasks

Jason deCaires underwater sculptures
, but don't want to do them alone.
I read this quote
Festival of Colors
the other day that made me think of this. This is a quote by Eve Ensler “Cherish your solitude. Take trains by yourself to places you have never been. Sleep out alone under the stars. Learn how to drive a stick shift. Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back. Say no when you don’t want to do something. Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees. Decide whether you want to be liked or admired. Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you’re doing here. Believe in kissing.” I read this and thought maybe it would be better to do these things alone. I think some of the bravest people in the world are those who can do things alone. I wish I could. I hope that I can. Sorry if I got off topic.  


Sunday, February 24, 2013

#5: Pink Slime

Pink Slime
Apparently "Pink Slime" is something that is used in school food. It is all the rejected meat that comes from the outside layers of the cow that has the most fat. This part of the cow can have a lot of bacteria, it can have Ecoli or Salmonella. To get rid of the bacteria, they boil it and then they wash it in ammonium hydroxide, but don't worry they strain it afterwards! If you didn't catch that, I was being sarcastic. Who is fine with eating beef that has ammonia in it. This product is also used at McDonalds for their chicken nuggets. It looks like a strawberry smoothie. I ate chicken nuggets all the time, but I didn't know that this is what it was made of. If I had I might not have eaten it. Notice that I said "might".

Sunday, February 17, 2013

assignment #4: Fast Food, Store bought Food, Any Food ...

The food that we eat can be dangerous, any time we buy food that is out of season were buying genetically modified foods. When we buy genetically modified foods we run the risk of short term side effects. Scientists sometimes modify our fruits and vegetables to repell pesticides ,so that they wont die after they are sprayed. If the plants are able to repell chemicals ,then is it safe for us to ingest them. The stuff that they used to inject the vegetables with is strong enough to resist the pesticides, which makes me think, what can it do to our bodies? Farmers also feed cows and chickens food to make them grow faster. They feed chickens special food so that they are almost fully grown in 49 days ,which is harmfull to us and the animals. They feed cows corn ,which makes them gain weight quicker than if we fed them grass. There is a problem with this method, research shows that feeding cows corn can give them ecoli which would give the consumer ecoli. Ten days ago I didn't know about any of this ,I was eating beef, chicken, and spaghettios thinking that all this food was fine to eat. Meanwhile I could have gotten ecoli or salmonella and died because our government thinks that we don't need to know these things. That is disturbing.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

entry #3 : College

Classes in college can be challenging ,but they can also be fun. I am taking Contemporary Cinema which teaches you all about the process of making a film and marketing it. Right now in class we are watching Inception starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Ellen Page. So far in my Contemporary Cinema class we hav only watched films. We have seen Jaws, Slumdog Millionaire, and Inception. Each movie was better than the last even though I had already seen them before. We have not been assigned any home work yet. so far so good. My point in all this is that College can be fun.  

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Entry #3 : Our Future

I just watched the clip from WALL-E where WALL-E first gets to the space ship to find Eva. The first thing I noticed is how people were having conversations over webcams even though the people they were talking to were right next to them. That worries me because thats not to far off from what is already happening. I have texted my mother when we were in different rooms because I didn't want to get up to ask her what was for dinner. 

Another thing that bothered me was that they didn't really connect with other people. The topics that they were talking about had to do with technology like television shows or the products that they buy like "lunch in a cup". The last is that they buy all there food and supplies from "buy and large ,everything you need to be happy." They value possesions more than people ,they don't even take responsibility for their own children. They just hand them over to robots for them to raise. I hope that our future isn't like that ,but considerering that they didn't take car of their world we could be in the same position.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

American Sign Language

American Sign Language or ASL is a language that I am very interested in learning. I did take a class last semester at GCC ,but it wasn't as fun because I didn't participate enough. Some of the assignments had to do with me going out to deaf events ;such as, deaf comedy shows, deaf school events, deaf story telling. since I didn't go to any of those I didn't get to sign with a real deaf person and see what it was like. I wish I had. Its really intriguing to watch people sign or sign songs. This one is one of my favorites because he puts a lot of emotion into it. You should watch it. It makes me laugh.

Assigned Entry #2: Technology
This video shows that technology is evolving ,and replacing things ;like books ,newspapers ,and instruction manuels...etc. It is interesting because the title is true. The title is "Technology will kill" ,and it does. I think it means that new technology is being developed and making everything else obsolete. Maybe one day our world will resemble the world in Ray Bradbury's book "Fahrenheit 451". There will be no books or literature of any kind ,and technology will be the center of our conversations.